The Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

“To belong to Jesus, to become like Jesus and to be a blessing in Jesus’ name for His Glory.”

1. Belong

Jesus says “Come”. Before behaviour or purpose, Jesus calls us to belong. This means to belong to Him and His bride, which is the church. Identity comes first - who we are will lead to what we do - not vice versa.

2. Become

Jesus then calls his disciples to “Follow me”. To follow Jesus is to follow in his direction but also to imitate the way He lived His life. Healthy things grow and when we belong to Jesus, becoming like Jesus should come naturally.

3. Bless

Jesus then directs them, “and I will send you out to fish for people”. Jesus gives them a purpose and it isn’t about themselves but it’s to bless others. The more we belong to Jesus, the more we become like Jesus, the more we will be a blessing in Jesus’ name.

4. For His Glory

This is a reminder that everything we do is for God’s purposes and not ours.

“Come follow me”, Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people” Matthew 4:19

Vision Statement

“The Chapel Sydney is a multi-ethnic, multi-generational gospel community that exists to love God and love people”